If this is your first appointment with us, you should arrive a few minutes early to fill out a short information form telling us about you and your pet. If you prefer you can click the button below to fill out the form ahead of time.
Please bring any information you have about any medications your pet is taking and copies of any recent bloodwork that has been done. We are happy to call your regular veterinarian to obtain any information you do not have.
You and your pet will usually be seen within a few minutes of your scheduled appointment time. Our veterinarians will obtain a detailed history of your pet’s general health. Be sure to mention any medical conditions for which your pet is currently being treated. We will ask about the dental/oral problems that your pet is experiencing, and examine your pet.
We will then explain the problem seen, how it may be affecting your pet and the treatment options. Our veterinarians will answer any questions that you might have regarding your pet’s treatment and then a detailed estimate of the costs of any proposed treatment will be prepared.
Because we always stick to our estimates, you will never receive any surprise increases in the cost of treating your pet. Should something unexpected be found during the course of treating your pet, you will be contacted and the findings will be discussed with you. If, at any time, you have any questions or concerns regarding your pet’s treatment, we are more than happy to discuss them with you.